Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Lupus Awareness Month 2014

As you may have noticed from the increase of pink products in shops recently, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What you may not have noticed is that it's Lupus Awareness Month too. 

Unless you're a Lady Gaga fan, have watched House, or saw cycle two of America's Next Top Model (circa 2004), then lupus may not be on your radar.

In a very simple nutshell, lupus is an incurable autoimmune condition that mainly effects young women -- lucky us, eh? Basically, the immune system enjoys attacking the healthy cells, tissues, and organs in the body, which can cause inflammation and lead to a variety of complications.

The illness is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are almost identical to other problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, and the symptoms vary in type and severity across individuals. I won't go into further details here, I'm aware this is a nail blog and not the NHS Direct, but Lupus UK (or lupus.org for US readers) is a really useful resource for anyone looking for more information.

How have I linked this to nails? Purple is the colour adopted by the lupus campaign, so I followed suit. Using a striping brush to layer white nail polish with different shades of purple, I created a marble effect and then added some polka dots -- I solemnly swear to avoid polka dots in my next blog post, I'm sure you're tired of them by now. 

Follow @LupusUK for daily updates. 

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