Sunday, 16 November 2014

Red Alert: Burberry Beauty

"There is a shade of red for every woman"
 Audrey Hepburn, supposedly. 

I've been on the hunt for the perfect red for quite some time. Like thousands of others, I turn to Chanel Le Vernis 'Rouge Noir' when I need a dark tone. But, what I've been looking for is red red. Not orangey red, not burgundy red, don't even mention oxblood… 

I almost gave in to OPI Big Apple Red, but thought I'd have one more look around first. In Covent Garden, Dior, Burberry, and Chanel conveniently sit side by side. Chanel are giving red a BIG push at the moment, and as I 'collect' this brand I was certain I'd find something. Yet, from 'Dragon' to 'Fire', 'Pirate' to 'Rouge Fatal', nothing was drawing me in quite enough.

Next, I popped into Burberry. Other than some lovely skin illuminator, Burberry Beauty hasn't been on my radar. I went in and opened a bottle to have a look at the width of the nail brushes (wow, I'm cool). A security guard was pointing at a computer screen, suggesting I use it to look at shades. I did the whole 'smile, say thanks, ignore instruction' routine. Then the make-up artist started lining up nail polish bottles on the machine. Each time he added a bottle, a colour would appear on the screen. At this point, I couldn't hide my excitement: 'LET ME USE IT. LET ME USE IT! HEY, YOU! I'M THE CUSTOMER. LET ME PLAY.' The security guard did the telling 'I-told-you-so' kinda thing, while I started playing with the bottles ― each one has a computer chip underneath, so that the data can be detected. Here's a picture to demonstrate… 

While I was comparing reds, Wai (the make-up artist) introduced himself. Keen to help, he applied the shade of red I was contemplating on himself. SOLD. Burberry Military Red, you're coming home with me.  

Here are some things I've learned about Burberry nail polish:

It dries very fast. It's one of fastest-drying polishes I've owned. Make sure you've got a good painting technique, because you won't have much time to spread it around!

It lasts ages. I've taken a picture of my nails on the day I painted them (left) and then ten days later (right). The polish stays shiny, and with a good top coat it doesn't fade or chip  the only change is where I've picked at the cuticles slightly

The packaging is pretty. And I'm a sucker for pretty packaging. 

Nail varnish in Military Red 300, £15, Burberry.

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